Quentin Verchère​

Software Engineer

I create apps on iPhone, iPad and Vision Pro

Step inside my Portfolio to learn more about me and my projects. 


Passionate French Engineer originating from Lyon

In 2023, I graduated from a work-study program that combined theoretical knowledge with real-world engineering experience. This program enabled me to build a skillset in software development, user-experience design, and project management

After graduation, I seized the opportunity to move to Boston, which allowed me to immerse myself in a diverse work culture, continue contributing my iOS development skillset, and enhance my English language skills. 

At 26, my professional path is shaped by a solid technical foundation and a keen eye for detail. I strive to create powerful, optimized and user-centric applications. I am always ready to face new challenges. And my dedication to continuous improvement ensure I am receptive to constructive feedback and adaptable to the dynamic nature of the tech industry.

Beyond new technologies, my passions extend to sports and nature, both of which are integral parts of my life. I enjoy practicing soccer, tennis and yoga, which not only keep me physically active but also mentally sharp. I believe in a balanced lifestyle, where professional growth and personal well-being go hand in hand.

Contact Me​​​​​​​​​​



I began my journey as a developer in 2018, and it feels like it's only the beginning. The joy I found in this field have only grown with each passing day, fuelling my enthusiasm for constant learning and ongoing improvement.

Throughout my career, I've been grateful for the opportunities to collaborate with various companies, cherishing each experience as a crucial step in my development.

2019 - 2020

2020 - 2023

2023 - Present

Personal Projects

The best way of learning

Spatial Pomodoro App Icon
Spatial Pomodoro

Vision Pro 

A productivity timer, based on the proven Pomodoro technique. 
Available on the App Store


HandTracking Sandbox app icon
HandTracking Sandbox

Vision Pro

Discover ARKit and Reality to unlock the potential of Apple Vision Pro.
Open Source


Groop app icon

iOS - iPadOS - Android

A cross-platform concept app.
Plan your next events with your family and friends. 


Social Medias

Let's keep in touch

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